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Forest team rescues 9 parrots, 4 of exotic breed

Pilibhit: A team of forest and the wildlife division in Pilibhit rescued on Sunday morning as many as 9 parrots from a bird catcher who was carrying them in a plastic bag.
The parrots included 4 Alexandrine species, an exotic breed. Looking at the forest team, the accused fled the spot leaving his bike behind at Nanakmata T junction on Majhola-Birhani road under Amaria police station.
A departmental case under section 9, 51 of the Indian Wildlife Protection Act has been registered in the matter. The parrots were kept in the safe custody of the department. As the registration number of the bird-catcher's bike belonged to the Pilibhit district, it would be easy to identify him through the official records of the road transport authority, said Devendra Singh, the range officer of Pilibhit forest range of the division.
Singh said that the raid was conducted by him along with some other cops following a lead about the smuggling of the parrots.
"The rescued parrots are enlisted in schedule IV of the Indian Wildlife Protection Act. We will seek permission from the chief judicial magistrate on Monday to free the parrots and to let them fly," Singh said.

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