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River Rafting in Manali - Kullu in Beas River

Book River rafting only through professionals otherwise you may be a next victim in Kullu Manali of River Rafting. Don't Believe us ? Read the following news which have been displayed in Hindustan Times. It is always recommended to book your adventure activities through professionals. 

Increase in the number of accidents during river rafting in Beas River has started affecting the tourism industry in the district.
“There is a need for self-introspection to curb the menace,” said Manali Hoteliers Association president Anup Thakur.

As the mercury rises in the plains, people from different parts of the country as well as abroad start thronging their Kullu Manali to get respite from the scorching heat.

However, many have lost their lives while indulging in this joyful and adventurous sport activity.

Data collected by HT reveals that in 2011, a Delhi-based youth lost his life during river rafting in Beas River.

In March this year, two people - one from Bihar and other from Uttar Pradesh - lost their lives when they had come here for a vacation at Kullu.
In May, a few days ago, a woman hailing from Tamil Nadu become the victim of river rafting and lost her life.

The number of accidents has put a question mark on the safety measures of tourists in the name tourist support activities.

Thakur said, “If safety measures for tourists are not taken timely, it can ruin the tourism industry.”

He urged the rafters to follow proper safety norms for the sake of booming tourism in the district rather than concentrating on earning money.

He said, “If tourists' safety is compromised to earn money, it would affect the tourism industry badly.”

“These days, tourism season is on the peak in the district and rafters are trying to earn more money by flouting rules,” Thakur added.

Sanjay Thakkar from Maharashtra, who has come here with his family for a six-day vacation, told HT that he had shun the idea of river rafting with his family members, when he came to know about the incident.

District tourism officer, Kullu, Vinay Dhiman said he would conduct a meeting with rafters and ask them to follow the instructions for the safety of tourists.

He said it was commonly reported that lack of expert raft navigator and absence of dedicated rescuer in time of need led to such calamities.

“I will again ask the rafters to follow proper guidelines on safety measures and ensure the safety of tourists. If a rafter is found flouting rules, they will be punished under law,” he added.

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